We're a little late getting to the party, but it's now official that soon-to-be former CEO of Ann Arbor based Dominoes Pizza, Dave Brandon, is set to take over full Athletic Director control effective March 2010. It was reported that Martin would officially step down in September, so he'll have a few months of transition until Brandon is fully on his own.
One might ask what qualifies a Pizza company owner to take over the reigns as the AD at Michigan, and that's a logical question. Brandon was a former regent at the U, and played football for Bo in 1973.
“With his widely acclaimed leadership skills, business acumen, long-term involvement with the university and personal knowledge of the challenges and rewards of being a student athlete, David Brandon is an ideal candidate for athletic director,” U-M President Mary Sue Coleman said in a press release. “I am confident that he will carry on the tradition of excellence in U-M athletics as we enter a new era.”Not sure what the entire impact that the new AD will have on football operations as opposed to what we're used to, but one can only hope that this will include certain things like night games in the Big House. (!) But he is a disciple of Bo, which is certainly a huge plus for the old guard around the University. I suspect he'll bring in a nice set of fresh ideas while still maintaining the integrity of the department. We'll just have to wait and see.
“It is my distinct honor and privilege to have this opportunity to serve the university in yet another way,” Brandon said in the press release. “My participation as a student-athlete at U-M has made a profound impact on my life and career, and I fully understand and respect the important role our athletic programs play in helping to shape the culture and image of our university community.”
For a full bio and much more information, check out the article from AnnArbor.com.
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