New Depth Chart, Blah Blah Off-Season

I've been doing some fun stuff with spreadsheets these past few days, and as a result, I want to do sort of a "test post" to see how it looks. I thought I would update you all with what I consider the 2-deep depth chart as of spring ball.

Of course, so many things will change come August when the team takes the practice field, but I thought it would be fun to kill some off-season time with some speculation.


2008 Michigan Depth-ChartUpdated: 7/15/08




QB10 Steven Threet8 Nick Sherridan


RB4 Brandon Minor23 Carlos Brown


WR13 Greg Matthews22 Darryl Stonum


WR17 Toney Clemons35 Jimmy Potempa


WR21 Junior Hemmingway82 LaTerryal Savoy


TE85 Carson Butler83 Mike Massey


LT52 Steve ShillingDann O'Neill


LG75 Cory Zirbel72 Mark Huyge


C60 David Mooseman50 David Molk


RG62 Tim McAvoy72 Mark Huyge


RT71 Mark OrtmannDann O'Neill





DT90 Tim Jamison92 Greg Banks


DT55 Brandon Graham99 Greg Patterson


DE97 Will Johnson95 Renaldo Sagesse


DE67 Terrance Taylor94 John Ferrara


LB54 Austin Panter58 Brandon Herron


LB33 Marell Evans8 Jonas Mouton


LB45 Obi Ezeh49 John Thompson


CB14 Morgan Trent29 Troy Woolfolk


CB6 Donovan Warren35 Doug Dutch


S27 Brandon Harrison5 Charles Stewart


S3 Stevie Brown40 Michael Williams



Special TeamsStarterBackup


K43 Bryan Wright84 K.C. Lopata


P41 Zoltan Mesko43 Bryan Wright


PK84 K.C. Lopata34 Jason Gingell


PR6 Donovan Warren13 Greg Matthews


KR4 Brandon Minor27 Brandon Harrison


LS59 Sean Griffin

So there you go. This, along with so many other statistical spreadsheets will be adorning this site as the season progresses.

I really really really don't want to get into the habit of just posting links. I think as a somewhat serious blogger (really?), you should be able to generate some worthwhile content...however, it is mid-July. And as we get ready to gear up for the season, honest to goodness content may be a bit hard to come by. So I apologize for all of the "filler".

Also, I am going to be participating in the mgoblog's blogpoll this year. As a fellow mgoblogger, I am very happy to have my vote counted. All hail the king of Michigan blogs!

And, I'll also be doing the Big Ten Bloggers Pick'em for the first time! This is a pick'em game administered by Gopher Nation (long live the "Nation" blogs!). We have probably 20 or so Big Ten blogs participating, and only about 25% are Penn State it should be fun!

1 comment

  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Stonum should start. He has looked great this summer!

