Well, Brian at mgoblog has a pic of the (official?) Adidas home unis (via Varsity Blue). There was a little rumor floating around, which you can read about at mgoblog, that there would be some big yellow block Ms on each sleeve. Rest assured, these seem to the real deal, and are in line with what we say from the Women's Football Academy pics in June. However, there is trim on the back collar with little blue "M"s on it. I don't see them being too distracting though.
And...the road uniforms that we posted up here a couple weeks ago seem to be a little off.
The away jerseys have a thin maize piping straight across the chest. There also have a small maize strip on the back of the collar that says Michigan in blue. [he would later clarify that the strip is the block M thing above -ed]So there you go. We'll keep our eyes out for the road unis, and when they drop, we'll throw them up here.
-via mgoblog
If you have a strong desire to load up on the new Adidas gear, Moe Sport Shops has gotcha covered.
Well, that's probably it for me until next week...unless breaking news happens in the meantime. Have a great 4th! Watch out for those firecrackers!
Go Blue!
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