Hallelujah! Smoke-Less Michigan!

Kinda sports-related...at least as it applies to me. I can finally tolerate smoke-filed sports bars!

The Michigan senate approved a public smoking ban for bars, restaurants and workplaces!

The house approved the bill last December, but faced serious opposition in the senate. But somehow, the senate voted 25-12 in favor of the new bill. According to reports, Jenny will sign the bill when it gets to her desk, maybe as soon as next week.

Finally, Michigan will join the 30 other states that have passed similar bills.

And anyone who argues that small businesses will be hurt by a decline in revenue from absent smokers, understand that the majority of the population does not smoke, nor do they care to spend a lot of time in a smoke-filled environment. And the percentage of the population that does smoke, probably wants to quit. People like me who have been against going to bars or restaurants to watch a Michigan game, or other sporting event, have always chosen not to because of second-hand smoke.

I grew up in Toledo, which has been under a public smoking ban for the past year or two. And when I go down there to visit family/friends for holidays, I usually end up out at local establishments for drinks with friends, and I can tell you that I have never seen bars busier than after the ban was put in place.

Besides, this isn't prohibition...people will still drink.

So rejoice my fellow non-smokers! BW3's in Ferndale...here I come!

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